Sunday, March 22, 2015

Feb. 9th Newsletter

Week of Feb. 9, 2015

        Last week the two fifth grade classes had a visitor during our math class on Tuesday and Wednesday.  Ellen Dorsey, WCSU math consultant, came to teach students the concept of long division.  We went from the concrete level (using Cuisenaire rods and base ten blocks) to the area model (drawing rectangles to represent the blocks) and finally to the US algorithm, which is the traditional way that most of us have learned how to divide.  This week we will continue to practice all of this, as well as returning to our study of lines, line segments, rays, and angles. 
          We continue our read aloud, Wonder. Recently, students were asked to select one character from this book to create a collage about. Students used the Pixlr app and Morguefile database to complete these projects.  The children had previously practiced using this technology by creating a collage about themselves.  They have also compared a character from Wonder to a character from another book, Each Kindness. 
          One of the characters in Wonder is a teacher named Mr. Browne.  This teacher gives his students a precept each month.  The first precept is, “When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind.”  Our class has spent a lot of time talking about this precept.  Last week, we created a Kindness journal that we will be using in the next couple of weeks.  We will be writing about things we are thankful for and random acts of kindness we have performed.  Students will also write about kindness acts where they are recipients.
          On Monday, students will draw a classmate’s name.  They will do a random act of kindness for that classmate each day during the week.  (This does not mean they will buy something for this classmate.  We will be discussing examples of acts of kindness on Monday.)  On Friday, we will reveal who we are and have a special “kindness” party.  If you would like to help by sending in a drink or food for our Friday celebration, please let me know.
          If students want to bring in valentines, they are welcome to.  Please remember that they need to bring in for everyone in the class.  I’ve attached a class list of names.
          I just wanted to say that the fifth graders did a terrific job selling the raffle tickets.  We raised $3,580.  After subtracting out the prize money ($1,000), we were within $68 of our total amount needed for the Boston trip.  Ms. Anastasia announced to the students that she would pay the balance needed!  Thanks Ms. Anastasia and thank you all (students and families)!  We can now begin planning for our trip to the Boston Tea Party Museum and the Boston Science Museum.  We will be sleeping over at the Science Museum on May 28th.
          We will be limited on the number of chaperones that we can take with us for the field trip.  If you are interested in chaperoning, please let me know by email or call me before Feb. 16th.  (email –   If more people want to chaperone than we can take, we will pick names and then you can pursue the background check.  (Chaperones will need to pass a level 2 background check).
          Winners of the money raffle were:  1st place (Donna Murphy), 2nd place (Cristin O’Donnell), 3rd place (Kristine Murphy).
          Have a wonderful week!

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