Sunday, March 22, 2015

Dec. 19th Newsletter

Dec. 19, 2014

This week has been a busy week for us!  Instead of me writing about our week, I asked students to work together during Friday’s writing block to write a paragraph or two about an event that took place this week.  They worked in groups of three or four to explain each event.
          We have been typing our “I Am” poems based on a book called Wonder.  Students have published it on a website called Edmodo.  We share our thinking and ideas about the book.  Everyone comments on each other’s poems and gives them our thoughts.  This has been hard work, but fun. (Lauren, Riley, Elahna)
          On Wednesday, K-6 had Gifts for Giving all day long with breaks.  Every student got to make four gifts for their family.  They made gifts from materials like nature to metal.  After the kids finished their gifts, they got a candy cane.  Once they finished their gifts, they wrapped them, and then went back to his/her classroom. (Katrina, Jacob, Connor)
          On Thursday, we went caroling to nursing homes around East Montpelier, Montpelier, Barre, and Northfield.  We went to four different nursing homes.  The 4-6 Chorus and grade 5 went caroling.  When we were done singing at two nursing homes we went to Pizza Hut for lunch.  Then we finished the other two nursing homes.  We all loved seeing their faces! (Madison, Mia, Jayden)
          On Friday morning we split into two groups for Nature Journaling.  We went outside and looked at different types of tracks.  For example, a deer is a walker.  The group that went to the left saw fresh turkey tracks.  The group on the right saw coyote tracks.  Also, the group on the left saw stray cat tracks with bird tracks as they came out of the woods.  This was lots of fun! (Charlie, Billy, Jackson, Trevor)
          Have a wonderful weekend!

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