Thursday, September 19, 2019

Newsletter Sept. 20, 2019

It has been another busy week!  In writing workshop, students started learning about writing engaging leads for their narratives.  The lead is an important element of the narrative.  Grabbing and holding the reader’s attention is what makes or breaks a story.   Students will continue to explore a variety of leads next week. 
We also began a second list poem and watercolor on “what we love about autumn.” Students learned that this simple poetry form can be a list or inventory of places, items or ideas.  It is usually not a random list, but a well thought out and frequently descriptive list.
Several students have completed the fall Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark  Reading Assessment this week.  This district assessment provides information on the student’s processing strategies, fluency and comprehension.  Within the next couple of weeks, everyone will have completed this. 
They were introduced to Biblionasium.  This is a free, protected social network for children.   Students will use the virtual bookshelves to help them keep track of what they’ve read, what they like, and what books they plan to read in the future.
In fifth grade math we have been reviewing and exploring perimeter and area of a rectangle.  This is in preparation for the first unit of study in our new math program, Ready Math.  Next week, we will begin work on volume of the rectangular prism.  We have also been learning more about our Math Menu routines. This routine provides opportunity for students to strengthen skills and concepts through a variety of activities.  Students also have some choice and are engaged in cooperative work as well as independent time. On Thursday, we explored the “My Path” technology portion of I-Ready.  Based on the results of the diagnostic given a week ago, students are automatically placed at a level customized to each student.  These online lessons and practice will be a regular part of Math Menu each week.
We continue our work with Monarchs.  In technology, students are working in groups on either a Book Creator project (a tool to create ebooks) or working on a Green Screen video.  At the end of the week we worked on watercolors and an acrostic poem about Monarchs.  We have tagged and released twenty-five butterflies at this point.  Unfortunately, we have also learned about one of the most common predators of the Monarch, the Tachinid fly.  Be sure to ask your fifth grader about our work with these amazing butterflies.
Last week I sent home two book order forms in the Friday folder.  If you wish to order, you can either send the form in to me or order directly online.  I will be sending home the Scholastic book clubs most months. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Below is a note from Christine about 6th grade math:
This week the sixth-graders have been finishing up their second Math Menu.  They continued to work independently and collaboratively to strengthen skills and concepts. As students work on their Math Menus, I meet with small groups.  Over the last couple of weeks, the focus of the small groups has been revisiting rounding numbers/place value (in the millions) and multi-digit multiplication.  We will continue to work on skills and concepts that need to be revisited and that are prerequisites for 6th-grade learning.  This week we also worked to find the volume of various rectangular prisms (boxes!) as a whole group.  

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