Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Week of March 14th

We have had a busy past couple of weeks.  In Science we have used candy and containers of water to learn through inquiry.  We began with a clear plastic container of room temperature water.  Students placed four different colored Willy Wonka brand Gobstopper jawbreaker candies around the edge of the container.   As the candies dissolved, the water formed wedge-shaped areas that were clearly defined with the color from the candies.  A thin layer of wax that surrounds each layer of the candies inhibited the spread of colors.  
As we watched the whole class demonstration, students began to list a variety of questions.  What if we changed the temperature of water?  What if we used another clear liquid other than water?  What if we changed the size of the container?  After discussing our questions, students were placed in small groups and asked to begin designing and writing their own experiments.  Their write up included a question, hypothesis, materials and a procedure.  These investigations include comparing Karo syrup, Sprite, mineral oil, white vinegar and more.  We will be finishing conducting our experiments by the end of this week.  Be sure to ask your child about our class investigations.

In Technology class, we have started working with robots.  Last week, the students explored the school’s new easy-to-operate Bee Bots that will be used with younger students.  These colorful little robots store up to 40 commands and can be used to teach sequencing, problem solving and more.  Our class worked to program the Bee Bot through 6”moves and 90⁰ turns across a floor mat to safely move from START to the FINISH line without hitting any of the obstacles.

This week we began working with LEGOS MINDSTORMS.  Using the traditional Legos bricks we will be building, programming and testing our robots.  Students will be working together in pairs and we hope to complete the building of our first robot by Friday.

In writing, we completed our pre assessment of the Opinion piece.  We have also worked to complete a class alphabet book about Colonial times.  Our class will continue to work with Informational writing, as well as begin our unit on Opinion writing next week.
Last Wednesday we went outside for our March nature journaling session.  The class attempted to locate their tree that they had selected last Fall.  Using maps, notes, and sketches they created in late Fall, most students were able to return to the same tree.  We also discovered some early signs of Spring.


Our focus in Social Studies is now on The Revolutionary War.  We started with the question, “What started the Revolution?”  We learned about the taxes the British Parliament placed on the colonies for various products, including the 1764 Sugar Act and the 1765 Stamp Act.  On Wednesday, Mrs. Paterson visited our class and helped out as we participated in a simulation of the Stamp Act.  Students learned how the colonists were upset about new taxes on paper and the lack of representation in establishing those taxes.  Children were given a roll of Smarties and then members of Parliament (Mrs. Paterson and Mrs. Shedd) announced what item was to be taxed (e.g. anyone wearing blue jeans).  Mrs. Paterson also played  the role of “tax collector,” collecting the number of Smarties that represented the tax.  Quickly, the colonists (students) saw their piles of Smarties disappear as the plate for Parliament and King George III filled with Smarties.  Later, students had to reflect on the activity, writing about the fairness/unfairness of the process and how the colonists felt about taxation without representation.

The class has also practiced for the upcoming SBAC testing.  Below, is our class schedule for these tests.  Please try to avoid doctor’s appointments/tardiness during these times.

3/23/16                Wednesday        10:40 – 11:25
3/24/16                Thursday           12:50 – 1:35
3/28/16                Monday             9:15 – 9:45
3/29/16                Tuesday            10:00 – 11:40
3/30/16                Wednesday        10:00 – 11:40
3/31/16                Thursday           12:50 – 1:50

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